
Monday, February 29, 2016

Friday, February 26, 2016

Yummy Hot X Buns!!

Yummy Hot X Buns!!

With Easter just around the corner the PTA is organising a Hot X Bun Fundraiser.
This is a new idea from us and we think a great opportunity for you to support the school in buying something we all love to eat at this time of the year!

We will be doing this weekly through March leading right up until the Thursday of Easter break. 
Orders with payment to be received by Tuesday afternoons for delivery home with your child on the Thursday afternoon of that week.

All funds raised will be going towards payment of the final interactive whiteboard for our school.

      Price will be:
6 pack Hot X Buns $4.00 each
 (Fruitless option also available)


Please return this order form with payment (cash only) to the School office by
Tuesday 1st March.

Hot X Buns Order Form

Child’s Name.………………………………………………… Rm #.....................

Please indicate quantity ordered.

                  Total $
Hot x Buns

Fruitless Hot x Buns


Tuesday, February 23, 2016


22 February 2016                                                                 

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Your child has expressed an interest to participate in the ‘WAIPA FUN RUN SCHOOLS CHALLENGE’. We would love to have them involved and representing Woodstock School on this great day out. 

The fun run is a 2km run on Sunday the 13th of March.  The course starts and finishes at the Victoria Square, Cambridge.  School teams will meet in front of the Town Hall before 10.00 where there will be a Project Energize led warm-up.

As it is not a school day parents/whanau will be responsible for supervising and providing transport for their child/ren to and from this event.

Races times are:
10.40 am:     Year 5-6
10.50 am:     Year 3-4

Entry fee per child is $5.00.

Please return the following permission form and the $5.00 fee by Friday the 26th of February. 

Thank you
Sarah Menzies

Waipa Fun Run Schools Challenge Permission Slip

­­­­____________________     from Room _______ has my permission to attend the Waipa Fun Run

Parent signature: _________________________

Schools Challenge on Sunday the 13 March 2016

Please note:  $5.00 entry fee MUST be included with this permission slip.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

PTA February Report

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Football Information

Football information for those children interested in playing for Woodstock this year. 

PTA AGM 22 February

To all Parents/Caregivers

Just to remind you that the PTA AGM meeting is on Monday 22 February at 7.00pm in the staff room.

Anyone who is interested in attending is very welcome to come along.  Look forward to seeing you!! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ballot Information

The Woodstock Board of Trustees invites applications from parents who wish to enrol their children at Woodstock School for the period
25 July to 15 December, 2016.

Enrolment at the school is governed by an Enrolment Scheme, details of which are available from the school office (this includes a description of the Home Zone)

The Board has determined that a total of 20 places are likely to be available for Out of Home Zone students during this period.

The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s enrolment zone.

Application forms are available from the school office ph (07) 855 6686,

The deadline for receipt of application for Out of Home Zone places is
4pm Friday 06th May, 2016.

Parents who live within the home zone and who intend enrolling their child at any time should notify the school by Friday 06th May, 2016 to assist the school in planning appropriately for this period. Students in the home zone are entitled to enrol at the school.

If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot (except in the case of special programmes, where the criteria in the enrolment scheme apply).

If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on
Tuesday 10th May, 2016. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.

Woodstock School Board of Trustees

Monday, February 15, 2016

Pohutukawa Syndicate Outing: Monday 22 February


15 February 2016

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Pohutukawa Syndicate Outing: Monday 22 February

Next Monday we have organised a fun outing for all Year 5 and 6 children.  This is an Outdoor Education Activity day visiting Leap Hamilton and Waterworld Te Rapa, the purpose of which is to build positive relationships between teachers and students across the Syndicate.

We will depart Woodstock School at 9:30am to arrive at Leap by 9:45am.  Students will participate in a variety of activities before departing for Waterworld at 12 noon.  Finally, after lunch and swimming activities, we will depart Waterworld at 2pm and arrive back at Woodstock School by 2:30pm.

The total cost per student, which includes entry to both facilities and bus hire, is:
                                                       $22.50  (no hydroslide at Waterworld)
                                                       $25.50 (with hydroslide at Waterworld)

Your child will need to bring:
·         a packed lunch, snacks and a full water bottle
·         togs and towel
·         sun hat, sun screen
·         jandals or sandals
·         Optional: money to purchase food and drink at Waterworld’s café (students need to be responsible for this)
Please ensure all personal items are named.

Please complete the permission slip below and return it, along with your payment, to the School Office by Friday 19 February.  If you need to make payment arrangements for this trip, please contact the School Office as soon as possible, phone 8556686

As recently notified in the Syndicate newsletter, this team building day replaces our annual one night camp.  Due to increasing costs, we are returning to the way the Senior School Camp was previously organised, which was once every two years.  This means that students will now attend either as a Year 5 or Year 6 student, and the duration will be extended from one night to three.  Our review of camp arrangements is also in line with local Intermediates’ changes to their camp bookings and this aligns with the Health and PE curriculum document.

Yours sincerely,
Pohutukawa Syndicate teaching team

Return slip:  Year 5/6 Outing: Monday 22 February
Please return to the School Office by Friday 19 February.

I give permission for my child __________________________ in Room ____________ to attend Pohutukawa Syndicate’s Outing on Monday 22 February.

Enclosed is payment of…
                                 ¨ Option 1:   $22.50  (no hydroslide at Waterworld)
                                 ¨ Option 2:   $25.50 (with hydroslide at Waterworld)

I am available to assist with supervising a group of students …  Yes /  No
Name: ………………………………………………………………...................................

Phone contact:……………………………………….......

Friday, February 12, 2016

Principal's Newsletter

The first Principal Newsletter comes home today in your child's bag. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

School Interviews

Dear Parents/Caregivers

We will be holding the Parent/Teacher Meetings on:

  • Wednesday 17th February (2.30pm-8pm)     School will finish at 2pm
  • Thursday 18th February (3.10pm-5pm)          Normal finish time

Our teaching staff appreciates the opportunity to meet with the parents of their students so they can form a bigger picture of every student’s abilities and needs.

We hope this meeting creates a feeling of partnership between teachers and parents as we believe this is one of the most important factors in helping children achieve and succeed at school. Attending these meetings gives a clear signal to your child that there is good communication between their parent and their teacher. It is also an opportunity for parents to share their insights about their child with the teacher. Teachers will not be reporting on the progress and achievement of your child at this meeting as it is too early in the year for them to have gathered all the essential data.
Attached is the information for you to book your appointment either on-line or, fill in the conference sheet and return to the office so a time can be booked for you.

The on-line booking system will close on Tuesday 16th February at 3pm.

Kind Regards
Jenny Mills

To book your interviews, go to in your browser, and enter the event code VKDTZ Then follow these three simple steps

Please complete these steps before 3:00pm Tuesday 16
th February.

Click here for further Online booking information

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Year 4 Karakariki Camp 2016

February 2016

 Dear Parents/Caregivers,

 Our Year 4 students will be visiting Karakariki Camp to enjoy an outdoor, overnight camp
 experience on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th  November, Week 6 - Term 4.

 We travel to and from Karakariki by car. 

 The cost for the camp will be $80.  This includes accommodation, meals, camp duties and an    
 activity fee.      
 Meals are catered for, including those people who require special dietary requirements.
 Children will need to bring their lunch on the first day for our hike.  

 You may choose to pay for all of this now, or you may pay some now and some later. 

 Full payment is due by the end of Week 1, Term 4 – Friday 14th October 2016.

 We are all really looking forward to the camp.  We have lots of fun activities planned, like a   
  bush study and hike, rock wall climbing, tree climb, BMX riding, orienteering, archery and  
  swimming  (weather permitting).

 We require some parents to stay with us and others to help with transporting children to and  
 from camp.  Please indicate below if you are interested in assisting, and return the slip to
 school  promptly so we can begin preparing for our camp adventure.

 Thank you for your support,
 Rachael Tangney and Leigh Phipps

Karakariki Camp 2016  - Year 4

 Child’s name _______________________________  Room ________

 Enclosed is $80 or part of : $ _________________

 I am available to transport ___ children, with seatbelts, to camp on 17th November:     Yes / No

 I am available to transport ___children, with seatbelts, back from camp on 18th  November:    Yes / No

 I am able to stay over night and assist with camp activities.      Yes  /  No
 What skills do you have that would be of benefit to us while on camp?

 Are you a medical professional?  Yes  /  No  If so, what ___________________

 Signed  ____________________

Woodstock School Kapa Haka 2016

Kia ora te Whaanau,

Welcome back to a new and exciting year of Kapa Haka!

We would like to thank Whaea Penny and Whaea Troy for all of the hard work they have put into tutoring our tamariki last year.   
Whaea Jeannette will be the new Kapa Haka tutor/teacher.  She is excited to be a part of Woodstock Kura and more importantly; Our Kapa Haka Roopu.

Junior Kapa Haka will be held every Friday afternoon from 1.40pm to 2pm. 
Senior Kapa Haka will be held every Friday afternoon from 2pm to 2.35pm.

The Kapa Haka Programme will cover a wide range of cultural performing arts experiences and use of traditional songs.

We ask that you talk to your child / children about meeting the following expectations before completing the consent form below.

My child agrees to:

·         Attend all sessions – a roll will be taken weekly
·         Obey the instructions of the tutors
·         Accept the behaviour standards necessary for the success of the programme.

As this programme is being run during class instruction time, it is important that the consent form is signed and returned.  Students who do not return their consent form will unfortunately be unable to attend.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any patae regarding Kapa Haka

Ngaa mihi
Whaea Jeannette / Matua Dave

Kapa Haka Consent Form

I give _____________________ permission to be a part of the Woodstock Kapa Haka Roopu
Signature of Parent/Caregiver  _____________________________
Childs Full Name: _____________________________
Room Number: _______

Please return the permission slip to the office by Friday 12th February

Woodstock School Pasifika Group 2016

Talofa lava,

Welcome back to a new and exciting year of Pasifika!

Your child has expressed an interest in joining the Pasifika group this year.

Whaea Jeannette and Marina McMahon-Ieremia will be our Pasifika tutors for this year.  They are excited to be a part of Woodstock School and more importantly; Our Pasifika Group.

Practices are held in the hall at lunchtime on Fridays, and as a performance comes up, there may be extra practices in the lunch hour.

We ask that you talk to your child/children about meeting the following expectations before completing the consent form.

My child agrees to:

  • Attend all sessions – a roll will be taken weekly
  • Obey the instructions of the tutors
  • Accept the behaviour standards necessary for the success of the programme.

We would like this permission slip to be returned to the office by Monday the 15th February

We look forward to another great year!

Whaea Jeannette, Marina and Margaret Bull

Pasifika Consent Form

I give _____________________ permission to be a part of the Woodstock Pasifika Group.

I understand that my child may be removed from the programme if their behaviour does not meet the above expectations.     Yes/No

Signed: ___________________   Name: _________________________ Ph:_________________

Please return this slip to the school office by Monday 15th 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Paper Surcharge / Homework Books

Thank you to the parents who have already paid for their child's paper surcharge and homework books. If you have lost a copy of the Paper/Homework Book Newsletter that came home you can find it on the school website

Friday, February 5, 2016

Pohutukawa Syndicate Term 1 Newsletter

Information for parents in Pohutukawa Syndicate (Rooms 12, 13, 14 and 15).

Rimu Syndicate Newsletter

Dear Parents/Caregivers
A warm welcome to Woodstock School for the 2016 year. We hope you have all had a fantastic break with your family. We have a very enthusiastic and        knowledgeable team of teachers to work alongside your children this year. 

Our Rimu Teaching Team:

Mrs Tracey Frost - Room 1 (Reception Room) 
Mrs Susan Johnson - Room 1 then Room 2 later in term (Year 1)
Miss Caitlin Wheeler - Room 3 (Year 1)      
Miss Abbey Greenwell - Room 4 (Year 1)
Miss Danni Macpherson - Room 8 (Year 2)
Miss Sarah Menzies - Room 9 (Year 1/2)

Our Learning in Term One
The Woodstock Learner focus for 2016 is Building Positive Relationships
This involves the children learning about ideas such as:
#accepting differences
#helping others 
#developing leadership
#sharing ideas

Our overall learning focus for this term is Science and is called Wai (Why)Water’. The children will learn the science behind the water cycle and the           importance of water conservation.  They will also develop an awareness of ways they can positively contribute to water conservation in our society.  The children will be using basic scientific vocabulary to explain their understanding throughout this learning.

Health Education:  Healthy Lunchboxes
Maths: Statistics; Numeracy
Oral Language: Expanding children’s vocabulary and think, pair, share       
Written Language: Conveying a clear message to an audience
Reading: Reading for meaning            
Physical Education: Swimming and Motor skills
Maori Language: Pronunciation and Greetings; Mihi; Karakia;


1. Establishing Routines - To be organised to start the school day and being able to organise our belongings at the end of the day.
e.g.  Be on time, put book bags away independently.
2. To build positive relationships with each other, (e.g. including
others in our games, making appropriate choices.)
In our classrooms we are supporting and encouraging the development of your child's skills of independence and perseverance with the tasks and challenges that they encounter during their school day.  You can help your child by allowing them to come into their classroom by themselves.  This encourages independence and allows them the opportunity to socialise and establish friendships.  We also ask that at the end of the school day, you wait outside the classroom and let your child organise their own belongings.

SCHOOL START TIME: For your child’s benefit it is extremely important that they arrive at school BEFORE 8.45am. This allows them time for socialisation and prevents disruption to the class programme. Children are not allowed inside the classroom before 8.15am and are asked to wait under the covered walkway until the 8.15am bell. Parents are asked to leave the classroom by the 8.45am bell. If your child is upset when they are dropped off, it is best to say goodbye quickly and leave them in care of their classroom teacher.
AFTER SCHOOL: All parents are to wait outside the class until your child has been dismissed.

ABSENCES: If your child is going to be absent from school please notify the office before 8.45 am. The phone number is 855 6686. If your child should arrive late to school please ensure they report to the office.

RIMU BLOG : Please join our Blog
From this Blog you can access websites and activities to support your child’s learning in the classroom.
There will be a separate Blog page for Room 8 and 9.

Like us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all newsletters and happenings at Woodstock.  Find the links on our web page;       

SUNSAFE POLICYIn accordance with our sun safe policy ALL children MUST wear a hat with a brim whenever they are outside. Hats can be purchased from the school office. Please name your child’s hat. Children without a hat MUST sit under the large trees by the courts. Sunblock is best applied before your child leaves the house. Should your child bring sunblock to school they are encouraged not to share it. Teachers are unable to apply sun block to students.

We need your help!
This year we are focusing on extending our student’s oral language through play and discovery time. To make this exciting and rewarding for all students we are in need of dress ups, crafts, objects for ‘shops’, construction tools etc. If you have any unwanted items then Rimu Syndicate would greatly appreciate them.

TISSUES: A box of tissues from each child donated to their classroom is always greatly appreciated.

TOYS: Toys are not allowed at school. Toys are a distraction in the classroom and in the playground. We are not able to ensure the safety of toys at school.

SPARE CLOTHING: Please keep a spare set of clothes in your child’s bag at all times. We do not have any spare clothing to cope with ‘wee’ accidents or when the children get mucky during the day. If your child does not have spare clothing you will be contacted to come into school to bring some.

NAMING CLOTHING: Please name clothing to prevent it being lost. As our policy is to remove footwear to prevent carpets being soiled, please name all footwear. Should your child misplace any items of clothing there is a lost property trundler situated in B block, outside the boy’s toilet.

LUNCHES:  LUNCHES:  Thursday - SubWay lunch, orders need to be in an envelope that is named, has the room number and the order itself included, with the correct money. This needs to be placed in a box in the office foyer before 8.45am.
Mon/Wed/Fri - Lunch orders online  All information is detailed on the website.
At lunchtimes we are encouraging the children to eat their sandwiches first plus place any uneaten food back in their lunchboxes so that you are able to monitor what they are eating. This is due to the large amounts of food ending up in the bin uneaten with parents being unaware of this.  Lollies are not permitted at school.
scraps are put in our classroom Worm Bins. Thank you to all the parents who are packing ‘waste-free’ lunch boxes for your children.

LIBRARY TIMES: Your child’s class visits the library once a week. For your child to be issued with a book they need to bring back their previous book and have their book bag.
Room 1/2: Thursday  Room 3: Tuesday  Room 4: Room 8: Monday  Room 9:      Room 9—Thursday

SWIMMING: As we are swimming this term please ensure that on the days your
child is swimming that they bring their togs and towel in a plastic bag. It is very
helpful if togs, towels and undies are named.
Rooms 1 /2: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday  Room 8: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Room 3/4: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday     Room 9: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

 HOMEWORKIn the Rimu Syndicate, homework involves a variety of reading, alphabet, spelling and numeracy work.
Readers - The readers your child will bring home will be at an easier level than
those being read during instruction time in class. For your child to be issued with a
new reader, they must return their previous book and have their book bag at school. There is a reading log in our pre-printed homework booklets for you to sign. This
informs the teacher that the book has been read to an adult. Teachers will tick
the booklet when books are returned to school. All children will have books home by week 3.
Spelling - Your child will have 2 weeks to consolidate their learning of their
letter sounds and spelling words. For your child to be given new sounds, or words,
they need to be able to recall their letter sounds or spelling words correctly
for two weeks in a row.
Poem Books - These will go home each Friday.
Numeracy - There is a list of knowledge items in the front of the homework book
to work through and practice with your chid.
Please check your child’s book bag daily for homework and notices.
Please check your child’s book bag daily for homework and notices.

If you need to discuss any concerns you may have. PLEASE make an appointment with the teacher. We have duties to fulfil before and after school so an appointment is necessary to give you and the teacher quality time to talk.

Please do not hesitate to approach your child’s teacher if you have an enquiry, question, concern or positive comment to share.  We look forward to meeting with you all for our parent-teacher conferences soon. 

Thank you for your support.
The Rimu Syndicate Teaching Team:
Tracey Frost, Susan Johnson, Caitlin Wheeler, Abbey Greenwell, Danni Macpherson and Sarah Menzies