
Monday, September 7, 2015

Year 5&6 Summer Games at St Peters in Cambridge

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Would your son or daughter be interested in participating in the summer games?

We are looking for a team of 20 sporty students (10 boys and 10 girls) to participate in this excellent opportunity at St Peters from the 8-10 December 2015 (during the school day). They will be participating in a mixture of the following sorts.
6 a side hockey – 3 on 3 basketball – Road Race – Flippa Ball – Fast 5 Netball
– 6 hole Golf – Equestrian – T-ball – Rock Climbing/Orienteering – Swimming – Tabloid Challenges – 5 a side Football – Touch – Badminton – Multisports relay- Performing arts – Chant and banner competition

The students will not need their own equipment for these sports as it will be provided by St Peters. However they will need mouth guards for hockey and shin pads are recommended for hockey and football. 

The cost of the three days is $55.

We will be travelling to and from St Peters each day in private transport i.e. parents cars, so if you’re able to offer transport and have a current licence, registration and WOF please indicate this on the form below.

Parent Helpers
The team will need three parents to help out and stay during the day out at St Peters. Please indicate on the return slip if you would be able to do this.

The team will be selected on a first in first served basis. It will also require either full payment or
arrangements made at the office to pay the fee cost in instalments.

If you have any queries regarding the tournament, please do not hesitate to contact me at school on 07 855 6686.

Kind regards,
Susan Johnson

I give permission for _________________________________ to participate in the Summer Games

Phone Number: ______________________     Mobile Number:  ______________________

Parent/Caregiver Sign: __________________________       Date: _____________________

I have a current drivers licence, car registration and WOF and I am able to offer transport for ____ children with shoulder seatbelts.

I can/can not (circle one) be a parent helper during the games

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