
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kowhai Syndicate @ the … WOODSTOCK SCHOOL GALA: 31 October

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As you know, our school is holding a Gala next term on Saturday 31 October from 10am-2pm.

Kowhai syndicate is going to be running two stalls at this event:
Funky fashion
Pre-loved childrens dress-ups

We would be grateful for your help on this day. We require a number of parents to help run our stalls – so if you have skills in applying nail polish, hair styling or applying stick-on tattoos or you would like to help sell our pre-loved dress-ups please complete the return slip below. We will operate a two shift roster and will be very appreciative of any offers of assistance for this.

We are also in need of donations of:
·         Nail-polish
·         Stick-on tattoos
·         Coloured hair-spray

If you have any
·         pre-loved children’s dress-up that have been washed and are neatly presented for sale we would be extremely grateful.

These donations can be handed into your child’s teacher.
If you can help in assisting with our stalls please return the slip below by this Friday.

Thank you for your support
Kowhai Syndicate teaching team.

Return slip for Kowhai Syndicate: Please return to our school office

I can assist with the Funky Fashion or Pre-loved Children’s Dress-up stall.    yes/no (circle)

Shift 1: 9:30-12:00 noon   yes/no (circle)                 

Shift 2: 12:00 noon – 2:30    yes/no (circle)

Name:       Child’s name: ……………………………………. Room nbr:

Contact phone ………………………………………   

Email address: ……………………………………………

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