Sign Up for the Maths Home-School Partnership Evenings
In Term 3 there will be four workshops for parents and families to learn about Numeracy and how they can help their children develop in Numeracy. The final forth workshop is a games night where the children attend with parents, and play maths games.
The dates are; Thursday 25th August, 1st, 8th, and 15th September. We will be sharing ways in which families and teachers working together can make an impact on Numeracy learning.
We aim to increase parents’ understanding of Numeracy and share practical ways of helping children to learn maths.‘You are your child’s first and best teacher. You have the skills and knowledge to help your childlearn and grow. Every moment for a child is a learning moment.
Taking part in the Home-School Partnership programme benefits your child, the school, and you. It’s simple, it’s free, and you can do it.’
We hope you can join usMargaret Bull, Susan Johnson, Julia McCaughan, Rachael Tangney, Phillip Otto and Kirsty Cathcart
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