
Friday, September 26, 2014

Principal Appointment Process — Update

 To Staff and the Woodstock Community

Principal Appointment Process — Update

The appointment of a principal is the most critical decision a school will have to make. Since Steve's retirement announcement your Board of Trustees has been very busy familiarising themselves with the appointment process and engaging an Educational Consultant to assist with the overall process.

We plan to advertise the principal's position towards the end of October, with the intent to review applications, conduct interviews and appoint the new principal during December 2014. This timeframe is to allow the successful applicant to provide notice to his/her current employer, resolve any relocation logistics and get a feel for our school prior to officially starting on the first day of Term 2, 2015.

The Board is about to start preparing the Person Specification for the new principal and we would like to invite your input with identifying the critical qualities you believe would make for an exceptional educational leader within our community and our school. We are happy to receive this input by email, in writing, or in person should you wish.

Yours sincerely
Sean Lewis

Woodstock Board of Trustees Email:

PTA Update

Here is the latest update from our hard working PTA.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Principal's Newsletter 19 September

In case you missed it at the end of last week, here is the Principal's Newsletter that came home on Friday,woodstock_pub:11847

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Calendar Art - Have you ordered yet?

September 2014

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

As part of this year’s PTA fundraiser we are once again offering the sale of calendars. Listed below are the options from which you can choose from. You may order all five options if you wish.

  1. CALENDARS FOR 2015 FEATURING YOUR CHILD’S ART WORK. The cost of these calendars will be $11.00 each. You may order as many copies as you wish, as the firm makes laser copies of the original art work.

  1. GREEETING CARD PACKS OF 8. These feature your child’s art work or a photograph of your choice. The cost of these packs will be $12.50, including red envelopes.

  1. CALENDARS FEATURING A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR OWN SELECTION. Some people choose to use a family photo, a photo of their pet or a favourite scene. People who have ordered these in the past have been delighted with them. The cost of these calendars will be $12.50.
    1. For a 6 x 4 (150 x 100mm) photo calendar, landscape photograph must be supplied. The original photograph is returned when your order is delivered. There is an option for the use of digital photographs; details are on the order form.

  1. DIARIES FOR 2015 FEATURING YOUR CHILD’S ART WORK or PHOTOGRAPH. Please see order form for details.  The cost of the diaries will be $16

  1. KIDS NOTEPADS. This features your child’s art work or a photograph of your choice. The cost of the kids notepad will be $13.00.

You may have friends, neighbours or workmates who do not have school age children, who would be interested in buying this type of calendar. If so, please ask them to ring the school or we will send you extra order forms at your request to pass on.

If you would like to view your child’s art work before ordering, the art work will be displayed in your child’s classroom on Monday 15 September and Tuesday 16 September.  It is preferable to view the art before school daily or between 2.45 and 3pm. Please mark these dates on your calendar now. Some classes have already completed their calendar art and will be available to view.

A display of the items available for purchase will be in the school office.

We hope that this will be a great fundraiser for us and one that gives you and your family pleasure throughout the year.

Last day for orders –Thursday 25 September.
Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts.

Maree Lewis

Acting Deputy Principal

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kauri Production - Evening Show Sold Out!

 Kauri Syndicate Proudly Presents...

‘Happy Birthday Hamilton’Dear Parents and Whanau,

Rooms 6, 10 and 11 are extremely proud to be able to invite you to purchase tickets for our Syndicate’s Production.  There are two shows of ‘Happy Birthday Hamilton’, both to be held in the school hall on Wednesday 10th September 2014.  (The show is approximately 1 ½ hours long.)

·         Matinee Show - 11am Wednesday 10th September

·         Evening Show – 6.30pm Wednesday 10th September - sold out

Ticket costs $5.00.  Children under 2 years are free – as long as they are sitting on their parent’s knee.  We ask that this happens as soon as you enter the hall, so all free seats are left visible.

There will be 180 tickets available for each show which will be given out on a first served basis.  Please return money and the following order form, in a named envelope, to the office post-box.  (Please note we do not accept EFTPOS).

If you trust your child to bring the tickets home safely, we will send them home with your child at the end of the day, otherwise please indicate on the form below and the tickets will be held at the office for you to pick up.

 Evening Show- Sold Out!

‘Happy Birthday Hamilton’


Child’s Name ________________________________           Child’s Room Number____________

Please circle the show you wish to attend and write the number of tickets you require in the box.

·         Matinee Show - 11am Wednesday 10th September                                Number of tickets


·         Evening Show – 6.30pm Wednesday 10th September  - SOLD OUT                  


Please hold the tickets at the office                                           Total amount enclosed: $ ______________

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Principal's Newsletter 2 September

In case you didn't read this when it came home today, here is the latest Principal's Newsletter.

Important Information about our Mihi Whakatau

02 September 2014
Dear parents and other caregivers of our students,
On Thursday of this week we are welcoming special visitors into our school, the BNZ Working Bee group.  They will be working on jobs around the school making our school a better place to be.

Our School Charter Vision states: ‘As part of our schools commitment to being culturally responsive, we are ensuring that our policies and practises reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity and the unique position of Maaori culture’.  
To reflect this we will be welcoming these visitors into our school with Mihi Whakatau (which is speeches and messages of welcome).  This is an important part of the way we are doing things at Woodstock School.

Our school Charter was gifted the following values from a Whanau Awhina Hui at the beginning of the year.
·         Manaakitanga (welcoming all of our guests and new whanau)
·         Whanaungatanga (connecting with others through shared experience)
·         Kotahitanga (unity – all working toward a common goal)

This ceremony will reflect our schools commitment and practices in implementing these values. Our students are being prepared to undertake this big responsibility and are excited in being able to put their learning into action.  It gives a real context to our children’s cultural learning experiences.

Our School Mihi Whakatau (welcoming ceremony) involves:
Karanga (calling of the visitors, the Manuwhiri, into our school) by the Tangata Whenua
Whaikorero ((welcoming speech to the Manuwhiri and their reply)
                Waiata (to support all the Whaikorero)
Hariru (handshakes and the meeting of the two groups)
Hākari (sharing of food between Tangata whenua and Manuwhiri)

In order that we can get through the programme school will be officially opening at 8.30am on the morning of Thursday 04 September.  All children will be taken to the hall as soon as possible. School will follow normal times after this.

I ask all parent caregivers to assist us by ensuring that their child(ren) are at school before 8.30am on Thursday so that this Mihi Whakatau can be performed properly and we can stand proud of our achievement.  I look forward to your support. 

Kind Regards

Steve Ostermann
