
Friday, March 28, 2014

Principal's Newsletter 28 March

Here is a link to the Principal's Newsletter which came home today.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cool Schools Peer Mediation - Reminder

This is a reminder to please return the slip below indicating whether you will be attending the Cool School Peer Mediation session. I have received glowing reports about the Parent Evening held at Rotokauri School recently which was run by Christina Burruel. They found it to be such a worthwhile session that they are going to be involved in a second one.

Dear Parents/Caregivers
Woodstock School is about to embark on the introduction of the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme.

Cool Schools is a whole-school proactive programme that teaches essential life skills for peaceful conflict resolution. The skills taught in this programme enpower individuals to build positive, caring relationships with others especially in times of conflict.  Staff will be trained in these skills, so they can be passed onto the students in their classrooms. This includes junior children!

The initial idea for Cool Schools started back in the 1980s. The programme was developed with collaboration between the Peace Foundation, students and Teachers Education for Peace and the Mobile Peace Van.

The idea of using a simple mediation process to solve problems was sparked by the popular book ‘The Peace Foundation’. It was children themselves who saw the wider vision and were responsible for introducing the concept into the classrooms.
Our school will be searching for senior mediators over the coming weeks. Being a mediator is an absolute privilege because it is the mediators who hold the destiny of the programme in their hands. Students that are selected for the role of mediator will receive special training.
Christina Burruel from the Peace Foundation will be running a parent meeting on Wednesday 2 April from 7-9pm in our School Library. As Woodstock School sees this programme as invaluable as it empowers students in the art of dialogue and communication which is something they can use for the rest of their lives we would strongly recommend attending this parent meeting.

This mediation approach can also be used within the family unit as an effective way to solve disagreements amongst siblings.

Please return the slip below so we have an indication of numbers.

Many Thanks

Steve Ostermann


I am able to/unable to attend the Cool Schools Parent Meeting on Wednesday 2nd April.

Parent Name:_______________________________  Contact Number: _____________________

Name of child: ______________________________  Room Number: __________________

Woodstock On TV

If you haven't seen us on TV, check us out here.

Go Spotty this Friday !!!

On Friday 28th March Woodstock is having a “Spotty dressup day” to support the Melanoma Foundations Awareness Day.

We would greatly appreciate your participation via a gold coin donation which can be given to the office.

Thanks for your support!

Photo Reminder

Class and Portrait Photos will be taken on Thursday 3rd April 2014.

Order envelopes have been sent home with children.

Please do not bring your envelope and money on the morning of the photographs. Any orders need to be made before Thursday 3rd April.

If you require another order envelope please contact the school office.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Woodstock Netball Update

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Thank you for returning your daughters interest in playing netball this year. We are going to run Tuesday lunchtime practices on the following dates from 12:30-1pm.  Please make sure your daughter comes to school with suitable footwear and clothing for training.
 I have already had some offers of help for these training sessions but many hands make light work so if you can help out please let me know.
Training Dates:
 25th March
1st April
15th April
6th May (Term 2)
Tara McAuley

Enrolments for Term 3 and 4 2014

To the Parents/Caregivers




If you are intending to enrol your child at Woodstock School in Term 3 and 4 of the 2014 year, whether they are in-zone, out-of-zone or have siblings already attending, it is extremely important that you contact the school before Thursday 17th April, 2014.

You are welcome to either ring, fax or e mail through the information.

Phone:           (07) 8556 686
Fax:                (07) 8537 056
E mail:  
Prospective parents/caregivers are invited to contact the school to discuss any questions they may have about enrolling their child with us.

Many Thanks

Yours sincerely
Kym Lenihan

Acting Assistant Principal


You are invited to attend our New Parent Meeting. This is an information evening where our Junior School teachers will share our school’s learning programmes. The main focus is about settling into school life and our literacy and numeracy programmes.
When: Monday 14th April at 7pm (approx. 1 hour)

Where: Room 1, Woodstock School (by the Hall)

We would love to see you there and meet all our new parents and our incoming parents.

If you are able to attend please fill in the slip below so we have an indication of numbers.

Or alternatively ring our school office to inform us of your intention to attend – 07 855 6686

Please RSVP by Wednesday 9th April 3pm.

Many thanks

Susan Johnson (Senior Teacher), Bronwyn Nicholas, Kirsty Cathcart, Nicola Hooper and Kym Lenihan (Acting Assistant Principal)


Woodstock New Parent Meeting: - Monday 14th April 2014

 Yes - I/We are able to attend.

 Number of adults attending:  ____

Name: ___________________________

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hi-Rez and Cyber Busters Productions

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Our students have the opportunity to experience a live theatre performance which supports two main focuses for our learners at Woodstock School – Inclusion and Cyber Safety.
Soren Bennick is a group of experienced theatre performers and writers. Their mission is to give children positive messages that build self-confidence and the skills needed to deal with trouble, in whatever form it comes. They believe that performing art is an essential, magical tool that can bring students joy and improvement.
Hi Rez is a story-based performance aimed at Year 1-3 students. It looks at the issue of children having empathy for others and being open to the idea of including new and different people in their activities.
Cyber Busters is a performance aimed at Year 4-6 students. The play explores all facets of electronic bullying, including: Internet, emails, web sites ,social networking ,chat rooms, mobile phones, text messages.  
Soren Bennick Productions will be performing to our students on Wednesday 2 April.  The performance is only available for students enrolled at Woodstock School. The cost of the show is $2.50 per child.
Please return the slip below and payment in a named envelope by Wednesday 26 March.
Yours sincerely

Maree Lewis
Acting Deputy Principal


Hi-Rez and Cyber Busters Productions

I do / do not give my child/ren _______________________________ in Room___________

 _____________________________  in Room ___________

 ___________________________ __ in Room ___________

permission to attend the show on Wednesday 2nd April.

Please find enclosed $ ____________  ($2:50 per child)



Signed ______________________________

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

School Swimming Sports Certificate Assembly

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
We would like to invite you to our assembly to celebrate our Woodstock School competitive swimming sports.
We will be presenting the placing certificates.
When: 2pm Friday 21st March
Where: School Hall
Who: All parents, caregivers and supporters are welcome J
We will be presenting the Cluster certificates on Friday 28th March at our school assembly at 9am.
Maree Lewis and Tara McAuley

Monday, March 17, 2014

Football Coaches Needed

Football Coaches Needed!
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Thank you for putting forward your child’s interest in playing Football (Soccer) for Woodstock School this year. We have had 37 players put their names down wanting to play Football, but, at this stage we are unable to register any teams as we have no volunteers to coach these teams.
Thank you very much to the two parents who kindly volunteered to take up the responsibility of Manager to keep our Woodstock Soccer teams going! Unless we are able to secure volunteers for Coaches and Managers, we will be unable to register teams and therefore the children will not be able to play for Woodstock School and will have to register with another Hamilton Club.
Role of Coaches and Managers:
Coaches and Managers coordinate together to run weekly practices (skill building) and weekend games. Team Managers usually do more organisational tasks such as informing the players of game times and venues, and supporting the Coach where needed.
Coaching Courses:
The Waikato Football Federation runs many coaching courses leading up to the Football Season.
This ‘Intro to Coaching Course’ run by Sport Waikato on this website is free of charge.
Note: Once coaches are confirmed, we will also organise a Coaching Session which will be held at School. This will provide all Coaches and Managers with some tips and/or new ideas.
We also have information pamphlets and game ideas that you can use to help you in preparing for the coaching. Please contact us if you would like a copy.
If you would be willing to take up the role of coach or manager for your child’s team OR you know of someone else who may be willing, please fill out the form below and return to the school office by Friday 21st March. Your child and the school would be extremely grateful and we will provide as much support and assistance as possible. Please feel free to contact us with any queries via email:
Kind regards,
Leigh Phipps and Kirsty Cathcart (Soccer Coordinators)
Your Name: ____________________________________
Child’s Name: ________________________   Child’s Room Number: __________
Child’s date of birth: _______________________
I would be willing to be a:        Coach        Manager     (circle both or one)
Home Phone Number: _____________________    Mobile: ______________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Waste Free Wednesday

Find information about our Waste Free Wednesday initiative, starting this Wednesday 19 March.

Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Woodstock School is about to embark on the introduction of the Cool Schools Peer Mediation Programme.

Cool Schools is a whole-school proactive programme that teaches essential life skills for peaceful conflict resolution. The skills taught in this programme enpower individuals to build positive, caring relationships with others especially in times of conflict.  Staff will be trained in these skills, so they can be passed onto the students in their classrooms. This includes junior children!

The initial idea for Cool Schools started back in the 1980s. The programme was developed with collaboration between the Peace Foundation, students and Teachers Education for Peace and the Mobile Peace Van.

The idea of using a simple mediation process to solve problems was sparked by the popular book ‘The Peace Foundation’. It was children themselves who saw the wider vision and were responsible for introducing the concept into the classrooms.

Our school will be searching for senior mediators over the coming weeks. Being a mediator is an absolute privilege because it is the mediators who hold the destiny of the programme in their hands. Students that are selected for the role of mediator will receive special training.

Christina Burruel from the Peace Foundation will be running a parent meeting on Wednesday 2 April from 7-9pm in our School Library. As Woodstock School sees this programme as invaluable as it empowers students in the art of dialogue and communication which is something they can use for the rest of their lives we would strongly recommend attending this parent meeting.

This mediation approach can also be used within the family unit as an effective way to solve disagreements amongst siblings.

Please return the slip below so we have an indication of numbers.

Many Thanks

Steve Ostermann



Cool Schools Parent Evening
I am able to/unable to attend the Cool Schools Parent Meeting on Wednesday 2nd April.

Parent Name:_______________________________  Contact Number: _________________

Name of child: ______________________________  Room Number: __________________

Number attending ________________________________________

Y5/6 Action Station’s Camp at Mt. Maungunui, 7-9 April 2014

Dear Parents/Caregivers and Whanau,

Camp preparations are continuing. Many thanks to those parents who have offered transport and assistance for the camp.  We appreciate ALL of your support!

This note is a reminder of what’s to come:
1.     Today a Student Health Form is coming home to be filled in.   Please return it to the school office by Friday 21 March

2.    Friday 21 March Camp Booklets are coming home, with a Contract to be signed regarding Camp behaviour/rules, and a list of gear for camp.   

          Please return the signed Booklets to class, by Friday 28 March.

3.    Just as a reminder, that we really would appreciate biscuits and home baking to share at camp for supper, morning and afternoon tea. We will call for those in a reminder notice, a week before camp.

4.    There is a Senior School Disco to be held at school on Friday 28 March at 12.30 pm, partly as a Leadership exercise for Class Councillors and House Leaders, and also to raise funds for Camp. Ice Blocks, lollies, chips and drinks will be for sale, so students can bring small change to spend.

    Many thanks for your support for our fundraising activities!!!!!!
5.    On Thursday March 27 there is a CAMP INFORMATION Evening at 7.00 pm in R15 for ALL parents, and for parents who are coming as drivers or helpers.  

If you are a parent–helper for camp, please be there; we will meet for 15 minutes afterwards, and hand you your transport list and your camp booklet.

6.    Final payment of CAMP FEES is due at the School Office on Friday 21 MARCH.

Thank you again, for your part in making this a successful camp!

The students and teachers of Pohutukawa Team.

Woodstock Football 2014

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Please read if your child is interested in playing Football (Soccer) for Woodstock School this year. Please ensure you discuss with your child that Football is a commitment that involves weekly practices and a game every Saturday, BEFORE returning the form below.
Season Calendar:The Football season begins on Saturday 10th May and finishes in early September.
Coaches and Managers:
With all sports at Woodstock school we rely heavily on volunteers for the roles of coach and manager. Unfortunately if we have no volunteers for coach and manager, we are unable to have a team. Please indicate on the form below whether you would be available to assist us in this area.
Practice times:
Practice times will be set by coaches and managers. Practices may be after school or during school lunch times.
The grade your child plays at is set as the age your child turns this year e.g. 5 years old = Grade 5. The Football Federation does not allow for children to play down a grade.
Indication of Fees:
Fees are dependent on the grade being played.
 ~Grades 5, 6 and 7: Approx $20.00                       ~Grades 8, 9, 10 and 11: Approx $45.00
This cost includes Football Federation affiliation fees and school uniform hireage. Please do not pay fees until you are invoiced from the school office and your child’s team has been finalised.
Team Uniforms:
The Woodstock School Football uniform consists of black shorts, red socks and soccer boots (socks are available to buy from the office and Woodstock shirts will be provided).
Kind regards,
Leigh Phipps and Kirsty Cathcart (Football Coordinators 2014)
Privacy Act 1993: I agree that the above details can be passed onto the Waikato Junior Football Federation.
I give permission for _________________________________ to play Football this year.

Classroom: _________        Year level: _________         Date of Birth: ­­_____________
Gender:    M   /   F    (please circle)      Ethnicity: _____________________________         
Team and grade played for last year (if applicable): __________________________________   
I am able to assist in the role of:    Coach  YES  /  NO      Manager    YES  /  NO   (please circle)
Hm Ph Number: ___________________________     Mobile Number:  ___________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Caregiver Sign: __________________________       Date: ______________________________

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Principal's Newsletter 13 March

Find linked the latest Principal's Newsletter.

2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

For children in Years 4-6 students wishing to sit ICAS tests this year.

Dear Parent
The University of New South Wales is offering your child an opportunity to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). 

ICAS assessments have taken place annually in schools for over thirty years and in 20 countries. Educational Assessment Australia (EAA), who design and deliver the assessments, is the not-for-profit arm of the University of New South Wales.


·         is an annual skills development assessment program in key areas of learning for students in Years 4-13; assessments are available in Computer Skills, English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Writing
·         gathers performance information through a 30–60 minute supervised in-school test
·         provides a continuous, independent and comprehensive record of a student’s performance, and maps their development over the full period of primary and secondary schooling
·         enables the progress of each student to be mapped in each skill against their previous performance, demonstrating personal improvement no matter the starting point
·         uses other participating students’ results as a reference point for comparing your child’s performance
·         provides an excellent preparation for national testing
·         enables students at all levels of ability to participate; ICAS contains questions designed to specifically explore the abilities of students of all standards – this includes those of both lower and higher levels of achievement
·         medals are awarded to the top students in each subject in each school year when sufficiently meritorious and the test was sat on the official test date
·         achievement certificates are awarded to all students at a range of levels:

1.     High Distinction to the top 1% of students
2.     Distinction to the next 10% of students
3.     Credit to the next 25% of students
4.     Merit to the next 10% of students
5.     Participation to all other students

·         results are available to parents and students online; these online reports and analyses remain available indefinitely. ICAS reports indicate which questions were answered correctly, compare student performance to that of the other students tested and are highly suitable for inclusion in a student’s portfolio for future tertiary entrance or job opportunities

·         entries are administered through the school, so teachers can also access the information

To enrol your child in ICAS, please complete the registration form overleaf and return it, with your entry fees, to school by   FRIDAY 4 APRIL

For more information about ICAS go to, contact Customer Service on 0800 778 010 or send an email to

Your child can also prepare for ICAS using Practice Online. Practice Online tests are available for English, Mathematics and Science. Find out more about Practice Online at

Yours sincerely
Dr Sofia Kesidou                                                                      Steve Ostermann
Group Executive                                                                       Principal
Educational Assessment Australia                                              Woodstock School

2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
Registration Form

Please return this form to your child’s school


I give permission for my child                                                                            of

                                                     Child’s name                                                              Class

to participate in the following 2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS):

Please select the subjects you would like your child to enter:

School Years
Official Sitting Date
Entry fee
Fee enclosed
Computer Skills
4 – 11
20 May 2014
4 – 13
4 June 2014
4 – 13
17 June 2014
4 – 8
17 June 2014
4 – 13
29 July 2014
4 – 13
12 August 2014

Students should sit on the official sitting date for each subject to be eligible for UNSW medals. However, your school may choose to sit at another time to fit in with other school activities and routines.

Please find enclosed ____________________total entry fee.

Name of Parent/Guardian                                                                                   Date
Signature of Parent/Guardian